iSMARTS/axis DigiBots for robotic process automation solution provides features to support the automation of supply chain process using next generation BOT based digital platform to replace traditional paper-based documentation and manual processes.
The solution provides organizations the opportunity to deliver a truly integrated multichannel BOT platform through online, mobile, social media, TV and kiosks channels and even through wearable’s and increase the reach in the competitive market place.
The solution provides configurable workflow features to support collaborative functions at various department and organization levels to validate and approve the transactions within the supply chain to move to the next stage.
The solution provides a unified experience irrespective of the channel for data capture and provides validation functions to apply during form design process resulting in form submission without any errors.
The solution provides advanced OCR Bot to convert data in image formats, PDF format and other scanned documents into accurate text and apply validations across documents based on templates defined.
Banking & Finance, FMCG, Airlines, Telecommunications, Healthcare, Logistics & Supply Chain, Oil & Gas, Electronics & Hi-Tech, Manufacturing & Distribution, Insurance, Transport, Travel & Tourism and Infrastructure etc.
Banks, Financial Institutions, MNCs, SMEs, Public Sector, Corporate Sector, Services & Utilities, Government Sector etc.
Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, On-premise Deployment Options. Term License, White-label and Solution as a Service License / Subscription Models.
Standard Operating Systems, Standard Web Browsers, J2EE Application Servers, Standard Relational Databases, Enterprise Middleware.